Escaleras / Upstairs
Una idea tonta que despues de ponerla sobre papel me ha recordado mucho a aquellos pequeños cortometrajes de apenas unos segundos que echaban en TV cuando era niño. Los solian meter dentro de programas como "La cometa Blanca" "Planeta imaginario", y cosas asi, que recuerdos, aquellos mini cortos de animación, en la mayorÃa de los casos mudos, expresaban genialmente ideas y sentimientos que hoy solo veo en raros spots televisivos. Va por ellos...
One foolish idea, that remember me these years where I saw in the TV cartoons shorts of a few seconds. These cartoons there were in TV programs like "The white comet" or "Imaginari planet". These animation shorts most times were silent, and there were an excelent way to show to the children beauty ideas and sentiments. Today these ideas there are only in some comics and tv advertansing... one cheers for these animations shorts
One foolish idea, that remember me these years where I saw in the TV cartoons shorts of a few seconds. These cartoons there were in TV programs like "The white comet" or "Imaginari planet". These animation shorts most times were silent, and there were an excelent way to show to the children beauty ideas and sentiments. Today these ideas there are only in some comics and tv advertansing... one cheers for these animations shorts
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