Otra vez en Paris / One more time in Paris
Acabo de regresar de mi tercera visita. Es una ciudad bonita si te gusta la arquitectura clásica y los museos, aunque tambien odiosa si tienes mania a los turistas (y a ti mismo cuando eres uno), esta vez vengo con más dibujos que nunca, y con la impresión de dibujar poquisimo y cada vez peor...
I have yet come back from my third visit. Is a beauty city if you like classic architecture and museums, although is hatefull if you `ve dislike to turist mass (and to yourself when you are one of them), this time i come back with more drawings than never, and with imresion of day by day i drawing worse and less...
I have yet come back from my third visit. Is a beauty city if you like classic architecture and museums, although is hatefull if you `ve dislike to turist mass (and to yourself when you are one of them), this time i come back with more drawings than never, and with imresion of day by day i drawing worse and less...
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